Boletes > Boletus rubriceps

Boletus rubriceps King Bolete, Porcini, Cepe, King Boleta, Penny Bun, Boleta Mushroom, Boletus edulis

Boletus rubriceps
(King Bolete, Porcini, Cepe, King Boleta, Penny Bun, Boleta Mushroom, Boletus edulis)


This mushroom can be found from 7,000ft all the way up to treeline. They can be very abundant at higher elevations around 10,000 ft. They are typically on hillsides along streams under Spruce trees as Boletus rubriceps is mycorrhizal with Spruce. I've also seen a few under Ponderosa pine.


Boletus rubriceps aka the King Bolete aka Porcini is a large mushroom that is very easy to identify. This is one of the most common hunted mushrooms in Colorado. The season from June through August typically. Once you see one you will never forget. Lookalikes include some Leccinum species which can be ruled out by black scales on the stem, along with staining blackish grey, reddish or other colors when they are cut in half after several minutes. Leccinum species are usually found in Aspen groves and sometimes conifers. The King Bolete Mushroom will stay white when cut in half and is usually found under Spruce.

This species was renamed recently in Colorado and the southern rocky mountains from Boletus edulis. It's part of the edulis "clade" and there is some controversy among mycologists on whether its actually any different than its European relative.

The caps are great sauteed in butter, brushed with olive oil and grilled, or caps filled with cheese & nuts and broiled. They can be cut into 1/4 strips and sun dried for preservation for use in soups, gravies, or used as flavorings.

One of my preferred preparations is to oil, salt, pepper and grill the caps face down. Flip the cap and stuff with blue cheese, top with sliced scallions. Pull when the cheese melts. The "Blue Cheese" Bolete is a hit while camping.

There is also another similar mysterious bolete found under Lodgepole pine in Colorado. It is rarer and likely a different species that looks very similar.



Spore Print

Olive to Brown




Red to Brown

Last Updated

Sep 19 2024 11:24 PM

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