Chlorophyllum rhacodes
(Shaggy Parasol, Macrolepiota rachodes, Lepiota rachodes)
Grows on the ground in grass near trees often found under Gambel's Oak and Ponderosa pine in Colorado. Typically from 6000-8000ft in elevation.
Starting in a ball shape. As they age they form a brown spotting pattern on the cap. The stalk forms a bulbous base with a thick ring. When sliced fresh they stain a reddish color. They can be easily confused with the look-a-like green spored parasol which is very poisonous. See Chlorophyllum molybdites (poisonous). Be sure to make a spore print and verify that it is white for edibility. Young caps have the best flavor. Chlorophyllum brunneum is a similar look-a-like also with white spores. They can also be confused with another common look-a-like the Shaggy Mane (Coprinus comatus) which is not related.
Spore Print
White to Yellow
iNaturalist Observation
Last Updated
Feb 10 2023 11:19 PM
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